How To Restart Your Life – Part 2

Hello guys! How are you doing? If you’ve been following me for a while you’ll know that in the previous post we talked about some ways to restart your life. That was only a part of them, so I kept my promise and now I’m posting the second part on how to restart your life. However, if you are new here and wonder why would anyone need to hit the reset button, let me give you some reasons.

Since we are all human beings, we make mistakes. Making mistakes mostly means that things don’t go our way. A “wrong” choice can make you feel bad, unhappy and stressed because your life isn’t on the path you wished for. Then you can lose your motivation and focus, forgetting about your goals and just let every day pass by without actually living and enjoying it. And you pretty much feel like a total failure and can’t seem to find a way out, am I right? The good news is that you are not the only one. We all will or have already failed at some point in our lives. But failing means trying, so you should be proud that you tried. It doesn’t matter that you made the wrong choice. You just have to get up and make more wrong choices until you make the right ones. No one chooses “correct” from the first trial. The only thing you need is the right attitude. Giving your self a second chance actually means that you give your self the opportunity to get past all the previous failures and try again. Until you get where you want. And there is no doubt that if you try hard, you will get there.

If this sounds familiar, I think we can move on to my tips on how to restart your life. You can always go read the first part and come back later. There you’ll find my story, the reasons why I felt the need to do it and how I achieved it.

pink dress outfit

How To Restart Your Life

On the previous post, we talked about the benefits of exercising, changing your diet and waking up early. These alone are a perfect place to start, but I have some additional tips that can help even further.

Set up Goals

Some underestimate them, but they have a lot of benefits when it comes to productivity and results. First of all, they motivate you and give you a reason to finish a certain task that needs to be done. So next time you do something you are not a huge fan of, remember the goal you have set and the reason you need to keep doing it. Also, when you have a goal you don’t just live your life wandering between choices. Instead, you have a purpose and any decision-making is easier for you since you need to choose the option that will bring you closer to your goal. Last but not least, having goals creates accountability. Not to anyone else, but yourself. And being accountable to yourself can have a positive impact on your confidence. Think of how great you’ll feel when you start crossing some of your goals off your list!

Extra tip: I like to take goal setting one step further, by having an everyday “TO-DO” list. This way I feel more productive and I don’t do random stuff, nor do I forget things. Not to mention the satisfaction when I cross them out! Of course, if I’m not in the mood or don’t have time for something, I just transfer it to the next day’s “TO-DO”.

pink dress casual outfit

Cut off the negative people

You are trying to make a serious change in your life and the last thing you need is negativity. One important step is to beware of the people who sap you of your energy. You are already dealing with a lot of things and negativity is the last thing you need. Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe they even played a little role in the rat position you are in now? If you are lucky they will choose to leave before you cut them off and that can save you a lot of trouble. However if not, take this option into your own hands and finish it with success. As an extra bonus of cutting them off, you will make space for the positive people to be in your life.

pink dress and leather jacket outfit

Get out of your comfort zone

If you haven’t gotten out of it yet, I suggest doing it as soon as possible. The sense of freedom and the satisfaction you’ll feel can’t be compared to anything else! But what exactly is the comfort zone? A comfort zone is a space where our activities and behaviors are in a routine that minimizes stress and the risk of something bad happening to us. But in order to leave this steady situation and move forward, we need to get off this space. It’s proven scientifically that a little amount of stress is necessary to help us be more productive and move forward with our lives. That is just a step outside of our comfort zone. Now that we made that clear, let me tell you some more benefits of stepping out of your comfort zone. Apart from your increased productivity, you will be ready to deal with unexpected situations more calmly and easily than before. Nothing will be able to surprise you and increase your anxiety levels to the maximum. Also, by getting out of your comfort zone you face the unknown. Facing something new can lead to mistakes. But making mistakes leads to learning new things and that is a huge benefit for your growth and transformation. Last, my favorite part is the sense of self-confidence. When you manage to let go of the fear of doing something and manage to get out of it alive you’ll feel strong, proud, and brave, and next time you’ll need to leave your comfort zone you’ll be more confident and not that scared.

Now that we made that clear, let me tell you some more benefits of stepping out of your comfort zone. Apart from your increased productivity, you will be ready to deal with unexpected situations more calmly and easily than before. Nothing will be able to surprise you and increase your anxiety levels to the maximum. Also, by getting out of your comfort zone you face the unknown. Facing something new can lead to mistakes. But making mistakes leads to learning new things and that is a huge benefit for your growth and transformation. Last, my favorite part is the sense of self-confidence. When you manage to let go of the fear of doing something and manage to get out of it alive you’ll feel strong, proud, and brave, and next time you’ll need to leave your comfort zone you’ll be more confident and not that scared.

restart your life

Find a Hobby

Many people might underestimate its value. But having a hobby is like giving yourself the chance at a happier life. And, that’s the main purpose of a hobby. To make you happy. If that reason isn’t enough by itself, let me tell you that through a hobby you can meet new people, express yourself, relax, feel calmer, and even discover new opportunities or find a hidden talent you had within you all these years. It can be an activity you always look forward to and gives you a reason to wake up in the morning even on the days you feel so tired. In our fast-paced society, we all need to get away sometimes and let some steam off in order to maintain our mental health. Plus, you don’t lay your eggs in one basket, so if something goes wrong you always have your hobby.

I hope all the tips on how to restart your life are as helpful to you as they were to me!





  1. October 8, 2017 / 9:55 pm

    Agree with so many of these tips. Cheers!

    • Kate
      December 2, 2017 / 4:26 pm

      Hey Josh! Thank’s for stopping by! 🙂

  2. Jasmine Maki
    October 13, 2017 / 12:08 am

    Hi Katie! Thanks for sharing all these great tips for changing your life. I really enjoyed reading about your story and how you have decided to make positive changes in your own life. I’ve made several of these changes and taken these actions at different points throughout my life and have always found them to be incredibly helpful in staying positive. Keep up the great content and beautiful photos!

    • Kate
      October 13, 2017 / 12:59 pm

      Hello dear Jasmine!They are indeed helpful and useful when you want to make some serious changes in your life. Thank you for stopping by!

  3. haitham
    October 13, 2017 / 8:40 am

    First of all, let me thank you for these wonderful and positive articles about restarting your life again after failure. I am glad to read and I really have enjoyed. Anyway, the most wonderful point or step out of all the steps that you wrote is cutting off the negative people. I believe that it is the most important one. I have suffered a lot from these type of people, they let you feel that you are the most idiot one in the world.
    In our country, there is a famous sentence about that topic, “Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are”. Thanks again!

    • Kate
      October 13, 2017 / 1:03 pm

      Dear Haitham, I’m very glad you enjoyed this post. The famous sentence in your country is indeed true. We use it in mine too. In my opinion, it’s important to choose carefully the people you hang out with because they can affect your life in many ways. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with me!

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